Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's Banned Books week

Have you heard? It's our country's annual celebration of the first amendment. Some folks don't think we should honor it, and as such censorship still exists--sometimes overtly and sometimes covertly, but part of the joy and freedom of being an American (as opposed to N.Korean) is that we have the right to choose what we will and won't read.

This year's theme is "Think for yourself and let others do the same." I'm on board with that.

You'd be surprised by some of the books that are being banned these days!
For more commentary on banned books, visit Ellora’s Cave Publishing Readlines and Deadlines blog at:


For a complete list of the top 100 banned or challenged books, visit the American Library Association website at:


Well, I'm off to sing the National Anthem.

Oh, say can you see...all the books you might like...let the other ones be...for someone will like them too.

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