Friday, October 30, 2009

1 day post fat removal

Hi everyone,

I made it through my lypectomy. Wasn't so sure about that when I woke up in recovery. I was on the table for 4 hours and came to feeling like a magician had sawed me in half with a dull blade. But here I am...home and "relatively comfortable" as long as I don't try to sit, stand, or lie down--and forget about bending over! I'm wrapped up like a burrito from just under my boobs to above the knees.

Funny surprise...I knew they might put in a drain, but drains have changed since I went to nursing school in the early 80's. I expected to see the wide wick. Instead I saw two dangling 3 inch oval plastic sacs with a thin plastic tubing trickling blood into them. I had to ask if I had the right operation! LOL.

Okay, that's all for today. I still need to take it easy. That means hubby gets to do the housework for a while. (grin)



Unknown said...

Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Hot Ash Romance Novels said...

Thanks so much, Amber. I'm seeing a little progress already.


Natascha said...

Feel beter Ash. Let everyone else do the work.

Dalton Diaz said...

Sending healing light your way. So, when are we going shopping?

Hot Ash Romance Novels said...

Ah, shopping! I can't wait. Where shall we go? Maybe the Talbot's outlet in Woburn?

I bought one nice pair of jeans a size smaller. But will need to see what fits as soon as I heal. Then go through my closet. It needs weeding anyway.
