Saturday, November 23, 2013

November news

I've been writing up a storm this month and finished book 1 in a new series, and I'm currently 1/3 of the way through book 2. I'm very excited to tell you The Cupcake Coven will be my first self-published effort, and I'm enlisting my agent's help to navigate the left-brain duties--editing, formatting, keeping track of sales, etc.

I've also hired an awesome graphic artist to illustrate the covers. My readers were begging for more covers like my Strange Neighbors series. I adored those covers too, but the powers-that-be said 'no' and did something they thought was better. Maybe rippled muscles sell books. I guess they do, but I hope my writing style and stories inside the pages will keep readers coming back. :)

Now--I should have posted this before, but what can I say? I had forgotten it was my turns to blog today. I've worked up a little something and it's posted here:

If you're interested in what I was like as a kid, a teen, a young adult, etc. check out what I was reading at those times in my life.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you live in the USA, or reflect on the good things in your lives no matter where you live.