I'm going to be better about posting to this blog. At least monthly! I swear. You have my permission to scold me if I forget.
7/11 An important article my agent and I wrote called How to Beta Read a Manuscript will be posted at romconinc.com in their erotica blog section. I haven't seen an article about this opportunity for readers before (although there may be some.) We are sharing this on a site dedicated to romance readers, hoping it will read as many as possible. I'd appreciate a tweet about it if you're so inclined.
7/18 I'll be signing with 50 other New England authors of different genres at the Danversport Yacht Club in Danvers, MA. Ask me for complimentary tickets! I'll be happy to send them or meet you at the door with them. Times 4 to 9 p.m.
7/27 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ashlynsnewbestfriends/ will be having our monthly chat called Favorite Author Friday with the fabulous Cindy Spenser Pape. Join the email loop to participate. I give a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card and the author usually gives away a book of their choosing.